Tetbury Chiropractic Clinic

Chiropractor in Tetbury, Gloucestershire

Business Info

Tetbury Chiropractic Clinic

Therefore advice on healthy lifestyle, good posture and emphasis on specific strengthening exercises to optimise recovery and minimise the chance of recurring injuries are also given if necessary. The methods used are fully natural and based on years of Chiropratic training, research and experience. Please have a browse through the site and if you have any questions I would be more than happy to help. Hello my name is Jwala, I was born in Nepal to a family of Ghurkhas, I moved to Gloucestershire when I was 11 years old. I went on to study Chiropractic at the University of South Wales (formerly the University of Glamorgan) where I trained at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic. I graduated with an undergraduate Masters degree and an award for “personal and professional development of the year”.

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Contact Details

Tetbury Chiropractic Clinic
Office: Tetbury
07469 187004
Address: 2 Charlton Road, Tetbury, GL8 8DY
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