We offer customers a free method to tell pool companies about their project thus helping them find a local pool builder who is free and willing to undertake their project. There is no charge to you for this service. Swimming Pool Quotes is a free service run by a group of pool designers who work with multiple pool companies and offer them their expertise of modern pool design and installation. We offer design and specification writing services to architects, private clients and large builders so are well versed with the latest and most popular design elements for all types of pools and design a pool almost every week. We also know about the builders who are looking for work aggressively as well as those who are not and we monitor for adherence to industry-accepted practices. Getting a new pool built is a long and expensive task, and finding a quality pool construction company can be very difficult in this poorly regulated industry, as it is often difficult to compare apples to apples in such cases. Every project is different and comes with its own challenges and uncertainties. The fact that your friend or architect is happy with his pool contractor doesn’t guarantee that the same builder will be able to replicate that in your property. Because we are independent, we can offer an unbiased opinion.