Staffordshire Family Law Solicitors is Staffordshire’s largest dedicated family law firm offering advice and support in divorce, children and all other aspects of family law. In 2012 Staffordshire Family Law Solicitors was set up to satisfy the need for a local specialist matrimonial and children law solicitors. Since then the firm has gone from strength to strength with an ever increasing number of accredited children and family solicitors providing expert advice across Stafford and the surrounding areas. Staffordshire Family Law Solicitors has two family law departments each run by one of the company directors. Our matrimonial department specializes in divorce, separation and financial settlements so whether you have an estate worth millions or more modest means we will guide you through this complex process and help you achieve the right result. We also have a children law department that specializes in both private children law matters (disputes between family members) and public children law matters (involving social services) and they will ensure you get the right outcome for your children.