More and more of the cars that are now bought come equipped with air conditioning as standard. Did you know that it is now illegal for an air conditioning system to be worked on, or re-gassed by anybody who is not qualified. We can offer you a free check to see if your air conditioning is running as efficiently as it should. This check includes a free nitrogen pressure test to see if you have a leak in the system, as it is also illegal to re-gas a car that has a leak. The timing belt or cam belt is one of the most vital parts of your cars engine. It has the responsibility of keeping hundreds of moving parts in perfect sync. As you can imagine this is a job that requires a lot of precision and reliability. Did you also realise that this belt is actually made from kevlar strands coated in rubber and is prone to wear and eventual breakage if not replaced on or around the manufacturers recommended intervals, these can be both mileage and time based. If you have any doubt when your last belt was replaced of when your next one is due please get in contact with us and we will check the interval guide.