You may have seen the publicity drawing attention to the fact that less than fifty percent of children leaving Junior School can swim one length of a twenty five metre pool! Despite being part of the national curriculum, our children continue to be at risk of not being safe or confident in and around water; not to mention the fun they miss out on as a swimmer. Swimming provision at school varies a great deal ranging from large understaffed classes to well-planned swimming lessons, but even those schools that take swimming seriously, are only able to commit to 12 weeks swimming lessons whilst at Junior School. We do of course understand the pressure on schools to deliver the highest standard of basic education they can, but swimming is a life skill we all need. Solutions Swim School prides itself on results, providing fun, affordable, safe swimming lessons in Swindon for children of all ages. As a Swim School we also understand that there are many adults who may not have had the opportunity to learn this important life skill. It could be that now they have children of their own these adults also wish to have swimming lessons so the whole family can swim together. Everyone is welcome with the assurance that we want you to swim.