We have a complete In-House Creative Design service, enabling us to satisfy the most discerning client — we can print off your own disc, whatever your needs, we cater for all printing requirements from single colour to superb full colour using lithographic and digital presses. Quantity and size are not a problem. We are a family firm established in the Mid Tyne area for over a century, enabling us to draw on all our experience to satisfy both our new and long established clients. Though we have the use of the most modern print technology we haven’t forgotten our roots, the wonder of the printed word, using moveable type, hot metal and wooden blocks. We have remained in production through the history of the North East, two World Wars, Votes for Women (creating more printing), the opening and closing of shipyards and mines, the opening of the Tyne Bridge, the Millennium Bridge. All of this and we are now successfully competing in the digital world of photography and computers.