Jon Sidey started the practice in 1991 and has gone on to build a great team and a reputation to provide designs and solutions that work. The ethos of the company is to offer value to the client at the same time as offering a full design service using the latest technology. Our high street location is pivital to our success offering the opportunity for potential clients to come in off the street to discuss their requirements in our design studio. Jon's original concept was to set up an "architectural shop" to break down the barrier that is sometimes seen as an elitist profession. We also have an interiors shop and gallery that displays architectural merchandise as part of this theology. We work closely with the local community and have been involved with numerous projects in Higham Ferrers and local surrounding towns and villages including conservation areas. A recent example was disabled access to Chichele College a Grade 1 Listed Building and Heritage asset that involved working closely with English Heritage. We are proud of our track record of excellent design and offering good value. We are very knowledgeable on sustainable design and energy efficiency. Underpinning everything is a commitment to deliver professionalism and reliability.