SDL Training Services aim to provide a complete professional service - Careers Advice, Training Needs Analysis, Nationally Accredited & Non-accredited tailored Learning, RPL Advice & Credit Transfer for qualifications, Learning & Development, Centre Quality Systems, Teaching/Tutoring/Lecturing, Assessment & Internal Quality Assurance services to organisations, job specification/description creation, recruitment & selection - contracted/ad hoc & bespoke, Coaching & Support work, Skills Assessment & Diagnostics, Bid Writing, Policy & Procedure creation & development as well as Bespoke training services to organisations. We offer our unique 'Facilitate & Develop' service for organisations to become their own training centres for qualifications - thus enabling self-sufficiency and complete control for the learning & development of the workforce plus financial control and autonomy and supported by us for all quality assurance - staff achieving far quicker whatever the level, bespoke mixed units can be undertaken to suit role or individual & not having to do an inappropriate Apprenticeship framework just to get it 'funded' and this going to a provider you do not know & then no problems waiting for a variety of Assessors to arrive etc.