Kenneth was retired and whilst most of the tours began and ended at Ballintuim he also organised tours to the west of Scotland including Mull, Skye and the Inner and Outer Hebrides. There is a limit to what one person can look after and Scottish Cycling Holidays grew only slowly in these early years. He died very suddenly in March, 1995 and as near neighbours we were concerned that his hard work should not be wasted and that the business should continue and hopefully expand. Douglas Crighton is involved mainly in planning and development, Ian is the technical manager and Janette looks after administration. Although we continued to operate from Ballintuim in the first year, a move to offices in Ian's bicycle shop in the nearby town of Blairgowrie Shop & Office, Blairgowrie has provided the space necessary to accompany the growth of the company. We currently store 80+ bikes and provide tours for our own clients and also for the brochures of many Activity Holiday Companies throughout the world. Further development has extended the range of our products to include tours in several countries in mainland Europe.