McTimoney Chiropractic was pioneered by John McTimoney who was trained by a graduate of the original Palmer School of Chiropractic. He learned to apply swift, light force adjustments, which could aid in correctly aligning the spine and help restore normal function to the musculoskeletal system. Along with his own beliefs of vitalism, the body’s own self-healing abilities and the holistic approach; the McTimoney Chiropractic Technique was established. It is a whole body treatment with light force adjustments performed with speed, dexterity and accuracy. Chiropractic is a method of adjusting the bones in the body which relieves pain, discomfort and increases mobility thus allowing your body's nerve supply to work efficiently and improve overall well being. Spinal manipulation can play an important role in relieving disorders and any pain or discomfort associated with accidents, stress, lack of exercise, posture issues and everyday wear and tear.