We have highly successful colleges. Our excellence is reflected in Pendleton Sixth Form College’s 97% A-Level pass rate, with 66% achieving high grades. Once again, Eccles Sixth Form College, FutureSkills at MediaCityUK, City Skills and Worlsey College achieved 99% advanced Vocational pass rate. Our success is down to our commitment to ensure that students choose the right course and are given all of the support and guidance that they need in order to achieve their full potential. Students also have the opportunity to progress internally, with a wide range of Higher Education and professional qualifications offered at our University Centre at Salford City College. We are very keen that opportunities go beyond the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom. Our students get many opportunities to go on trips and visits, we have high calibre guest speakers coming into the college and our links with industry professionals gives students that all-important opportunity to get in front of potential employers.