The WJA produced the world’s first ever code of practice for the use of high pressure water jetting equipment back in the early 1980’s. Over the years the code of practice has evolved and is widely used throughout the UK and by many organisations and governments overseas. High pressure water jetting can be extremely dangerous and any injury must be urgently attended to by qualified medical personnel due to the deep penetration of the water jet. The first course is the safety awareness course which is valid for 3 years from the successful completion of the course. At the end of the course there is a multiple choice questionnaire consisting of 20 questions. If the candidate successfully completes the course they are awarded a safety awareness certificate as well as a medical / identity card. Once this course has been successfully completed candidates have 3 years in which to complete any of the following modules. The additional modules can now be added to new style Identity card which also illustrates the courses that have been completed by the candidate.