We can help complete your tax return, sort out and declare your capital gain, obtain your CIS refund, answer your buy-to-let query, assist higher rate taxpayers, completely deal with your Inland Revenue enquiry or simply tell you how much tax to pay. We can help you set up a new business, advise on the most appropriate structure for it and register you with all the relevant authorities. We will also ensure that you comply with all the requirements for accounts, tax returns and all legal returns. We can help you in the running of your business with bookkeeping, payroll, VAT, CIS scheme and even training. SL Accountants Ltd offer the full range of accountancy and tax services provided by qualified Chartered Accountants with over 20 years experience. We provide accounts, tax planning and business advisory and support services to a wide range of businesses and individuals. We keep up to date with all technical changes and make you aware of any that are relevant to you personally or your business. We know that some clients worry about fees and how much it is all going to cost and we have an open fee policy – which means you can see how much work we have done and how much we charge. Our usual basis is to charge for the time spent working on your affairs depending on what work is actually done. We are also happy to agree fixed fees in advance.