Individuals may seek acupuncture for many reasons such as aches and pains, physical problems, mental or emotional conditions, chronic and acute illness or as a preventative treatment. The use of Acupuncture for certain conditions has been validated by the World Health Organisation, The National Health Service (NHS) and other medical organisations. Research carried out on 495 patients at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine found that 90.7% reported improvement from having acupuncture treatment. It is safe, gentle and effective, using ultra thin needles to activate the body's own healing systems. As we live longer we need to ensure that we do everything possible to remain healthy and active. Pain and illness sap the joy out of life and, in addition to all the great things that modern medicine can do, we also need to find ways to help ourselves. Remaining active is key and alongside diet and exercise acupuncture can help you to continue to enjoy life to the full.