Ridgeway Salisbury BMW

Car Dealer in Salisbury, Wiltshire

Business Info

Ridgeway Salisbury BMW

Our 106 dealerships represent 23 leading global manufacturers, from Audi, BMW, Ford, Land Rover, SKODA, Mercedes-Benz to Volkswagen and Volvo. The network has grown into one of the largest in the country. We offer new and Approved Used cars and commercial vehicles from various UK locations. Find and contact our teams nationwide. Every new team member at Marshall Motor Group is given a copy of our service promise and our values. These include a focus on integrity, and a pledge to recognise people – customers and staff – as the real drivers of our success.

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Contact Details

Ridgeway Salisbury BMW
Office: Salisbury
0844 649 4327
Address: London Road, Salisbury, SP1 3YU
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