RD-physio also offers mobile physiotherapy with the aim to supply clients with high quality physiotherapy and massage treatment, normally only available at a clinic, at a convenient time and location for the client. If a client is unable to attend a clinic due to pain or immobility, has no access to transport, or works long or out of office hours, these difficulties can be overcome by one of our physiotherapists visiting the home or work place. We've all experienced a niggling injury that just won't go away. Often it is these little problems that end up turning into complex injuries. If you've been putting off getting to the physio for one reason or another, now is the time. With affordable access to physiotherapy at an easily accessible Hull city centre clinic or at your doorstep, it's never been easier to keep your body functioning at its best. Extended operating hours for your convenience. Monday through to Sunday. RD-PHYSIO is a member of the Health Professions Council, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and is State Registered.