Goal-oriented exercise and an improved relationship with food can be extremely effective tools for building self-confidence. Goal setting facilitates continual improvement and experiencing pride in each small feat is a powerful way to help rebuild self-efficacy. Learning how to nourish and fuel your body effectively and gaining control of any unhealthy eating habits can also help to reduce self-criticism and boost self-esteem, and will play an essential part in supporting your fitness goals. As you get stronger, fitter and feel your confidence grow, the positive effects of regular exercise and good nutrition will snowball— you’ll sleep better, stress less and have more energy. Hey, you might even have fun along the way too! Ultimately we’re looking for that shift in your mindset— from one that criticises and shames your body, to one that can respect and celebrate every effort and accomplishment it makes. Putting your needs first may feel unfamiliar to begin with, but taking charge of your health will give you every reason to feel empowered, leaving you armed and ready to go get the most out of life.