Seen from Widemarsh Street the premises look modest, this is very deceptive. A three floor frontage leads to 6,000 square feet filled with the equipment needed for new century, full service printing... print plus. Full service means that Print Plus can handle a very wide range of jobs from small scale mono or colour photocopying, through single colour small business stationery, to large run... over 1 million impressions is not unusual, four-colour brochures, magazines, folders, packaging and promotional literature, for local or national distribution. Print Plus has embraced new technology in all areas of its operation. This equipment comes to life through the many skills of the staff, who can truly be called a team. A high level of staff continuity permits close staff/client working relationships, particularly helpful for regular jobs. Flexibility is high... 24 hour shifts and seven day working are not unknown. Staff skills are regularly updated, often through manufacturer training.