With over 20 years experience in his field Philip is still continuously growing as a therapist and has added medical acupuncture and muscle testing to his repertoire. Osteopathy is a method of assessing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. Osteopaths use a combination of movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints to improve function, relieve pain and aid recovery. The body has the natural ability to maintain itself and, by helping this process, an osteopath can promote restoration of normal function. The principle of osteopathy is that the well-being of an individual relies on the way that bones, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and internal structures work with each other. Osteopaths have a very detailed understanding of anatomy, physiology and how a person's structure may impact their health, this knowledge is used to accurately diagnose the cause of a person's complaint and to decide on the best way to resolve it. Often this will involve the application of manual techniques and the prescription of exercises and stretches which the person can do at home to aid the healing process. At all times the patient's needs are the focus resulting in many methods being used to return the patient to optimum health.