If you’re passionate about your Pet and looking for somewhere Special to Purchase your Pet Supplies, The Pet Corner has the answer. We offer totally unbiased Nutritional Advice on foods and treats for your pet and we automatically research food and ingredients for you ensuring your pet is getting the best nutrition, which is what it deserves. We are very passionate about what we do and focus on providing a quality service to all our customers — we do what we do because we care. Inside The Pet Corner you can find a wide range of Natural foods and Treats, Professional Grooming Products, a ‘Doggie Deli’ and a Boutique area. We also have available Cards, Gifts, ‘Pet Friendly’ Wrapping Papers, and some product lines which are unique and exclusive to The Pet Corner. In addition we have a Health Care area offering free monitoring of your pets weight whilst recording your pet’s food consumption and ensuring nutritional requirements and needs are fully met.