Our mission is to provide clear, high quality and affordable ecological advice and services to public and private sector clients throughout Britain. With a team of professional ecologists, all members of the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), we are licensed to work with a wide range of protected species in England, Scotland and Wales. We can assist with planning applications, undertake protected species licensing and mitigation, Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) and BREEAM assessments, including the Code for Sustainable Homes. Our renewable energy projects include micro-hydro schemes, small wind turbine projects and larger-scale wind farms, including potentially the world’s largest wind farm on the Dogger Bank. In forestry, we carry out surveys of newly acquired sites, pre-operational surveys of birds and protected species, help prepare Forest Plans, devise method statements and licence applications and supervise forest road construction. Our mineral schemes are diverse in scope, often involving very sensitive sites.