Whilst I will continue to look after my clients who have accepted offers subject to contract, on their homes, through to completion I am recommending that all of my remaining and any new customers contact Theresa James at PRH in Penzance, one of the few agents I hold in the highest respect in the area and who I have known since school as an honest hard worker and excellent agent. As with any major decision, there are a multitude of reasons behind this one. My other business, Ocean3D, has been doing rather well of late and is likely to take up more of my time with, hopefully, some major contracts in the pipeline and I do not feel that it is fair to my current or new customers to reduce my focus on them for my own gain. I also want to spend some time working with the charity that helped me and hundreds of service personnel affected by operations like me, Turn To Starboard Additionally, I have made no secret of my depression and PTSD, and estate agency is possibly one of the least conducive careers for anyone who needs a relatively stable, lower stress form of employment. The current market conditions and thirty years of fighting with lazy solicitors, ‘computer says no’ call-centre lenders, over-zealous surveyors, incompetent estate agents in chains and a small, but significant, number of buyers and sellers who believe they can lie through their teeth or change their minds with impunity despite causing incredible distress and cost to everyone around them have taken their toll. My family and friends have been urging me to get off the roller coaster for some considerable time and it is high time I acted on their wise and well-meaning advice.