Osteopathy is the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the body. Most people tend to go for a massage or see their GP if they have musculoskeletal pain. Whilst this can be OK for a simple muscle strain or stiffness, we find that many people THINK they have a simple muscle strain when in fact there is an underlying cause such as a stiff joint, a trapped nerve or an inflamed disc or tendon. Osteopaths are trained in far more detail than some other physical therapists. We are experts in the body and the way it should move and function. Alongside chiropractors and physiotherapists, osteopaths are the only physical therapists able to provide a clinical diagnosis. We are recognised by law as being Primary Healthcare Practitioners. This is why you don't see an osteopath just to feel good, but also to learn about why your symptoms are there and what you can do to prevent them returning.