Nicolla Florist

Florist in Wetherby, West Yorkshire

Business Info

Nicolla Florist

We offer a same day local delivery service throughout Wetherby, Linton, Collingham, Bardsey, East Keswick, Shadwell, Thorner, Boston Spa, Tadcaster, Kirk Deighton, Knaresborough and Harrogate as well as providing a professional national and international service through Interflora. We supply flowers for all occasions including Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Funerals as well as those to simply say I love you”, I’m Sorry”, Get Well Soon”, Goodbye and Good Luck” etc. All our bouquets are made to order using only the freshest of flowers that are delivered each day. Whether you are looking for a beautiful Mother’s Day bouquet, or a special Valentine surprise for your loved one, an exotic wedding day floral arrangement, or an anniversary bouquet delivered to home or the workplace for a pleasant surprise, please call in to our shop on Bank Street, Wetherby (adjacent to National Westminster Bank) or give us a call on Wetherby 01937 585233 and you can order over the phone and we will take special care of your floral surprise for you. We take all major debit and credit cards and business accounts are welcomed.

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Contact Details

Nicolla Florist
Office: Wetherby
01937 585233
Address: 1 Bank St, Wetherby, LS22 6NQ
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