Minicab Medical

Minicab in City of London, Central London

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Minicab Medical

The Medical Declaration form (TPH/204) should be taken to a registered medical practitioner who has access to your full medical history, typically your GP, for completion. If it is not completed by someone who has access to your full medical history, this could lead to delays in processing your application. This medical report cannot be issued free of charge as part of the National Health Service. You must pay the medical practitioner’s fee, unless other arrangements have been made. TfL accepts no liability to pay it. If you possess a valid DVLA Group 2 licence or are actively studying the Knowledge (and under 45 years of age), or already licensed by TfL as a MHC (‘taxi’) driver, you do not need to submit a completed Medical Declaration as you are deemed ‘exempt’. Some professions require an in-depth medical to be undertaken (e.g. pilot’s licence). Medical advice has been sought and confirmation received that the standard of medical fitness required by the Civil Aviation Authority meets the requirements of the TPH and as such TfL has agreed to grant the exemption. To retain the exemption the applicant in question will have to continue to produce a valid, current pilot’s licence issued by the Joint Aviation Authorities whenever TfL requests a further medical.

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Contact Details

Minicab Medical
Office: City of London
020 8088 1230
Address: 116 Mile End Rd, City of London, E14UN
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