Founded in 1997, MBS Survey Software Ltd is a UK-based independent company specialising in providing bespoke software, expert analysis and training for professionals within the built environment. We take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) very seriously and believe in maintaining a work environment where all are highly valued. We value equality, diversity and inclusion, and invest in training and development to help all staff to meet their full potential. In addition, we are strongly committed to a fair approach towards our suppliers and subcontractors. As befits any company in the property and construction sector, we take health and safety very seriously, both on our own premises and when on-site elsewhere. Sustainability is at the heart of much of the software and services that we offer, and we practise as sustainable an approach as possible ourselves. In all that we do, we ensure that we comply with all relevant legislation, and seek to follow and, where possible, to exceed BRE and other industry guidelines. We also ensure that we stay informed and up to date about all industry legislation, and periodically review our practices in line with developments and expectations.