Mostly during puberty; I noticed that I was different: instead of playing in the mud, I was crafting nets from sticks and grass. While I was crafting nets, I would listen to conversations of people walking by my cage. Most of the stories I heard were happy and careless. Some of them were about a thing called Netflix and others about a fun dream they had that night. However, more often than not; there were frustrating stories about finding a house, some guy named Waldo and things called domain names. People simply couldn't figure out how to find a good domain name. Now I am a real problem solver; soI wanted to help these people out. The only problem was, I had no idea how! I was stuck in my cage with my family so I couldn't concentrate on helping these people. I needed space! So, that's why I ran away one night. Don’t worry I’m right here! I went into hiding for two years to perform research on domain names. I haven't come out of hiding earlier because I wanted to be sure that I could help everyone to find a good domain name.