And that's regardless of the kind of loan, credit or credit card product you're looking for. And regardless of how much time it takes, making sure you find the lowest interest rate loan must be your top priority. That is why we've set up this website - as a completely impartial source of information to help in your search for the best borrowing and UK loan facilities. Being aware of the range of loan products available, although not the most exciting way to spend time, will serve you very well and make sure you are not needlessly paying out more in interest and charges than is absolutely necessary. - And our aim is to help you avoid falling into some of the traps set for the unwary borrower by the less scrupulous, but often respected lenders. Perhaps the most important and valuable piece of advice that everyone should be aware of when considering finance, is that it is very unwise to borrow money for longer than the asset being purchased is going to last.