If you book online Mini Cab / taxi to London using our online booking system or website, you will be able to get a top of the range vehicle with satellite navigation and live travel updates; this is the best way to avoid the unavoidable. It’s especially useful for airport transfers or any journey where you have a deadline to meet. Using public transport is bound to be a gamble. Thanks to the competition between providers, London Minicabs/taxis don’t have to be expensive. By using a private hire company you can find a cheap London Minicab/taxi. To make sure you’re not paying above the odds, use a website that gives you an exact quote before you book; that way you won’t incur any extra costs. In our team we have Managers and Operators with up to 30 years experience in the industry and here with Location Cars. You really are dealing with the experts! Every one of them has worked as a driver during their career, giving them the knowledge and understanding on all levels. We also keep up to date with the market’s leading systems and software solutions; these are engineered to ensure we have the absolute best quality and reliability at all times.