Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /nfs/c10/h10/mnt/143099/domains/lmorgangriffiths.co.uk/html/wp-content/plugins/really-simple-facebook-twitter-share-buttons/really-simple-facebook-twitter-share-buttons.php on line 538 My name is Lauris Morgan-Griffiths. I am a certified Master NLP Practitioner and a Symbolic Modelling Facilitator practising coaching in Islington, London and Hastings, East Sussex. Before becoming a NLP Practitioner, I worked in the media for many years as a producer in Radio and Television, then as a freelance journalist writing for the broadsheets —FT, The Times, The Guardian. I wrote books on Ansel Adams and Georgia O’Keefe and abridge Book at Bedtime and Book of the Week for BBC Radio 4.