If the healthcare professional working in Accident and Emergency fails to reach an acceptable standard of care then that treatment offered by that person may be determined as being negligent. The fact that the chosen treatment fails whereas different treatment may have been successful does not usually indicate negligence. If the treatment that was carried out was logical and was supported by substantial number of medical practitioners it will not be judged to be negligent treatment even though it may be ineffective. An A&E medical negligence solicitor will be able to advise on the standard of care that you received. Peace and quiet are two things that you will never find in the accident and emergency department of an NHS hospital. The typical scenario in A&E often borders on chaos and usually involves numerous patients often waiting for a considerable period of time and treating them are tired and harassed junior medical personnel trying to attend to their medical needs as best as they can. A new patient registers in an accident and emergency room every ten seconds, 24 hours a day and seven days a week nonstop.