It is often surprising and reassuring when you find that many of your symptoms, even those seemingly random ones, fit the patterns of Chinese Medicine and are readily treated with acupuncture. Nowadays, the many benefits of acupuncture are recognised worldwide and it is gradually becoming accepted within NHS mainstream healthcare.  If acupuncture doesn't appeal or is not appropriate, Remedial Massage may alleviate your symptoms, whether these stem from injury, trauma or stress. Health and a painfree life is all about balance - a balance of body, a balance of mind and a balance of emotions. In short, balanced and free-flowing energy. The focus of my approach is holistic and designed not only to relieve your pain and discomfort now, but also to encourage you to find ways to maintain your own health into the future. If you are unsure whether my treatments could help, please do contact me for an informal, no obligation chat. If I feel that acupuncture or massage are not appropriate or I am aware of another treatment that might suit you better, I'll let you know and point you in the right direction. Your wellbeing will always be my prime concern.