Your child will create memories they will treasure for a lifetime. From wiggling tiny toes in mud, finding and hatching dragon eggs, building fairy houses and digging war trenches. Your child will learn valuable life skills, tool use and experience the magical childhood which every child deserves. Your child will experience the inspirational woodland site and outdoor facilities alongside its idyllic building. There are 3 forest school sites located in our Woodland which offer enriching experiences to all ages of children, where your child's learning will be nurtured in the natural surroundings. On registering your child at KingsWood you will be able to request a membership to our closed facebook group whereby Michelle pops snippets of the children's day on the site. This is a huge hit with a lot of our families. We hope you enjoy it whilst on your coffee break, or when you have those spare few minutes between jobs. We are able to care for your little one, Monday-Friday, 7.45am-6pm, 50 weeks of the year (closing a week in August and over the Christmas period) Call us today to discuss the variety of sessions to meet your families needs, including mornings, afternoons and full day care. There is no limited amount of sessions, which some nurseries insist on.