It was in response to this new way of working that Key was established in 1965, offering training that not only improved the speed and accuracy of data processing but also addressed practices and procedures to improve health, well-being and safety in the workplace. In the 1980’s, Key was invited by the Government to set up training centres around the country to re-skill adults and school leavers, who could then work more efficiently in an ever changing office environment. We have been innovators in this sector since and are now one of the leading national training organisations working for the Government (funded through the Education & Skills Funding Agency). Over the years, our market offering has widened considerably and we now provide Apprenticeships in Business Administration, Customer Service, Recruitment, Supporting Teaching and Learning, Management + Traineeships. And not forgetting our origins, the exponential growth of the PC, the “network”, the internet, intranet, remote and mobile working has required organisations to ensure that not only do their users have the appropriate skills but so too do those who run their IT systems and infrastructures. Key expanded rapidly in response to this need in the 90’s and is now one of the largest organisations offering a range of training solutions including IT Skills, Professional Development and Project Management.