The KJA is an independent Association, its only control over its member clubs is via knowledge transfer and best practices, our constitution is such that we dont profit from our activity and all contributions are invested back into the association to grow its member base and skill set. 1. Our Sparring compares to Boxing/KickBoxing, were in a match the idea is to get to an anaerobic state as quickly as possible. It is this anaerobic states that best reflects a situation in a Real Live Environment. Because of the very nature of this type of sparring, we use 16oz Gloves / Full Face Headguards and Full Shin/Foot Protectors. Not forgetting Groin Guards to Protect the Crown Jewels. 2. Gohon Kumite/Sanbon Kumite/, have been replaced, all they teach the Student is to Block,Block, Block and Counter. We have adapted Jiyu Ippon Kumite along the lines of , We teach the Student to Step in to the Attack(A) usually but not always to the outside of the Attacking Arm/leg at a 45 degree angle. The defender will then be in the DSI Shooting Stance with his Energy Levels pointing to the Centre of the Opponents body. This gives the defender a good platform to go to work with, utilising the methods mentioned above, in order to deliver a good evasive manoeuvre or a controlling/Finishing Technique.(B) (C)