What do we mean by Independentâ€? Independent is how we describe the fact that we are not tied to a single company and that we try to find the best solution to suit your need. We offer products from the whole of the market. We work for you. We design our own model portfolios for investors to ensure that we review them regularly and to insure that our customers receive the most suitable place for their money. Together we will create your unique Financial Plan which will act as a working document reflecting the essence of what is truly important to you. This will act as our mutual guide upon which all future financial decisions are based, so our attention to detail is vital. We help clients achieve deeply held goals, not merely time-barred objectives; achieving peace of mind, a generous spirit and recognition that security is not based upon wealth. You will receive professional advice about where your financial arrangements are already good, and where they’re inadequate. A sense of emotional well-being can be enhanced with financial planning that is rooted in understanding your values and life principles. So we start with the end in mind.