We encourage and support the progressive development of our children throughout our free-flow facilities, both inside and outside. We provide a stimulating environment and tailored activities for each child’s interests. We plan for each child’s development through individual observation in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Our ICT suite comprises of the educationally approved RM Early Years Window Box software, which is specifically designed to support the implementation of the Early Years Foundation Stage. This helps encourage purposeful and exploratory play, which in turn enables children to enhance their educational opportunities. We recognise that each child is an individual. Our mission is to provide a joyful learning experience that empowers children to reach their potential. Jigsaw fosters a caring and creative environment emphasising the development of each child whilst working closely with parents/carers and the community in supporting this learning. Our Early Years Lead has extensive experience in the care and education of young children and provides guidance and support throughout the Setting, ensuring all of our children's welfare and development needs are met.