I believe I provide quality childcare in a home-like environment, that is clean, safe, comfortable and loving, where they can play and learn. I cater for children from 6 weeks to 13 years old. Here children are allowed to be children and families are always a priority. It is my aim to treat each child as an individual, to encourage them to recognise and respect house rules, promote healthy eating and take a positive approach to managing their behaviour. Physical or verbal abuse will NEVER be used as a method of correcting unwanted behaviour. I hope to always provide a quality service and will continually look for ways to improve the quality of services I offer. I maintain an open door policy for all parents. Parents are welcome to call or drop in any time during regular childcare hours. 'ring and enter'. Open door policy does NOT guarantee that my door will be kept unlocked. It is important to keep the doors locked for the safety of the children. All parents get a 'parents handbook' compiled to familiarise them with my policies, procedures, daily routines and activities. We have monthly themes and do craft and other activities relating to this theme.