
Car Repair Company in Portsmouth, Hampshire

Business Info


We pride ourselves on our first class reputation as a trustworthy andreliable garage that offers a real alternative to expensive dealerships. We can carry out the regular servicing without jeopardising your warranty. Our experience is vast in handling every aspect of Jaguar mechanics, from basic servicing to technical performance improvements gives our customers the peace of mind and confidence that their vehicle is in very safe hands. Assisted by the latest Jaguar diagnostic equipment and our in house team of experienced mechanics we can assure you of a first class service. Although all the high tech diagnostic equipment is great for modern day motor vehicles, there is often no replacement for experience. Our team have seen it all before – many times and our expertise is vitally important. When fault codes show up on a vehicle they are often not as exact as you may think. The knowledge and experience of the mechanic plays a key role in getting it right.

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Contact Details

Office: Portsmouth
023 9232 8111
Address: Southampton Road, Portsmouth, PO6 4RJ
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