I would describe myself as having a professional and enthusiastic approach to caring for people who want to make changes to their health situation. I use Acupuncture and supplementary Chinese Medicine techniques. My philosophy is to work collaboratively with patients, this will involve discussing how lifestyle and dietary changes can support treatment. My passion for Acupuncture began when I received treatment from my local traditional acupuncturist and was impressed by the results and my improved quality of life – this is why my clinic is named Inspiration Acupuncture. I wanted to help other people in the same way and decided to train to become a practitioner. I undertook extensive training at the internationally renowned College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, where I studied for four years to gain a Bsc (Hons) in Acupuncture and was granted a Licentuate of Acupuncture. There are several styles of acupuncture, I use and integrated approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and 5-element acupuncture together. This allows me to care for my patients holistically (treating the whole of them); physically, mentally and emotionally.