Fully understanding you, your finances, your objectives and priorities allows our qualified advisers to focus on what’s most important for you and develop your financial goals into tangible ideals. By learning about Indigo’s tried and trusted proposition you can promptly establish where we can add the most value. A report which makes specific and realistic recommendations on how to get from A to B, highlighting any financial “gaps” and putting real numbers around what you want to achieve across all timelines. Tax mitigation, risk assessment, cash-flow planning (inc. debt management) and investment strategies combine to offer you an all-encompassing summary of you and your financial world. Our range of tailored service levels ensure that everyone receives the on-going after-care that’s right for their circumstances and budget, whether it’s a simple annual telephone review through to half-yearly face to face financial health-checks. Tracking your Plan’s progress, understanding and reacting to your changes, monitoring your investment strategies and managing risk are all an integral part of these on-going services.