Ian’s interest in acupuncture came from experiencing treatment. Fascinated by the mystery and wonders of Chinese medicine and having experienced great changes from treatment he chose to go on and study acupuncture in 2003. As his practice has developed he has built up extensive experience in the areas of fertility, IVF, menstrual problems, insomnia, IBS and Migraine along with many other conditions. Having worked with many couples attempting to conceive naturally and those going through assisted conception Ian is a big believer in acupuncture being able to offer support at what can be a very challenging time. Ian is a founding member of the first national fertility network launched by Zita West in 2009. By choosing a Zita West affiliated acupuncturist not only do you get the benefit Ian’s individual experience, and the experience of 140 network members, you also benefit from the unique training and support that comes from Zita and her colleagues too.