The mind is a vast and complex entity. The Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud likened the mind to an iceberg, consisting of three main parts The conscious mind represented by the part of the iceberg seen above the water. This is our awareness part, the thinking, logical and analytical part of our mind. The pre-conscious mind which sits just beneath the conscious and is a relatively thin layer that the conscious mind calls on for such things as past memories and emotions. The subconscious mind is represented by the vast part of the iceberg that cannot be seen beneath the surface of the water. Here is contained so much of us that we are unaware of, hidden thoughts, feelings, memories and emotions. It is here our inner realities are kept. The sub-conscious governs such things as how we feel and react to everyday events, and our inner motivations and drive. It holds so much control, and as such has a powerful influence on our lives, yet consciously we know nothing of it.