What are Holistic Therapies Holistic Therapies are an ancient discipline used to improve health and well-being by treating the mind, body and spirit. It complements traditional medicine and helps maintain our general health and well being. Holistic therapy is clinically proven to help in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and reduction of stress, anxiety and depression. The relaxing, soothing, refreshing and rejuvenating treatments promote balanced living and well-being and boosts energy levels, helping to create a healthier, happier environment. As awareness of the benefits of holistic therapies grows many companies around the world are incorporating holistic therapies into the workforce as a preventative measure to work related injuries and reduction of stress in a bid to reduce absenteeism and long term sickness. Generally we can view the benefits of holistic therapies on 3 levels: Physiological, Psychological and Emotional.