Established in 1947, Heyfordian Travel is a family owned and managed business. Its transport roots go back to the 1890’s when a branch of the family were the horse-drawn carriers in the village of Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire from where the name Heyfordian originates. Haulage was the mainstay of the family in the early 20th century with mechanised trucks introduced after the First World War. The haulage continued after the Second World War when the founder of Heyfordian identified a need for passenger transport. The business prospered because the founder soon acquired a reputation for providing high quality customer care. The present directors have built on that reputation and continue to offer high quality customer care to a wide range of companies, educational establishments, sports and social clubs and individuals — to anyone, indeed, who has a need to move numbers of people from place to place reliably and in comfort and safety.