At your visit to my clinic, I'll ask you some questions, and may need to examine you. We'll discuss how to deal with your problem. Then with your permission, treatment can begin. I often use manual therapy techniques, exercise and posture correction. Heat treatment, ice application, and ultrasound are among the modalities I may include. Sometimes all that's needed is reassurance and advice. Continuing professional development is an essential part of being in any health profession. Amongst the many interesting and useful courses I've done over the years, I completed an Open University course in Social Science. A course in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills has also shaped the way I help people, especially those with chronic or long-term pain. I've been a member of the Physiotherapy Pain Association since 1998, through which I keep up to date with the latest research into why and how we feel pain, and how we can influence it. I believe in helping people holistically. I treat the whole person, because how you live your life may be affecting your problem - if not causing it, then possibly stopping you from getting better. I also believe in promoting health in general — I think there's a lot more we can all do as individuals to prevent ill-health, reduce the risk of injury, and minimise the ageing process. In so doing we could save much in health service costs, as well as in pain and suffering. In this respect I try and lead by example, and practise what I preach. I'm only human too though! So while I encourage you to do your best in living as healthy a life as possible, I know that none of us is perfect.