Harriet Lansdown is a professional acupuncturist working in York, UK. She’s been in practice since 1991 and has helped many people regain their health and vitality. Research is vital to find out just what acupuncture can do, and Harriet holds a visiting Research Fellowship at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York. Working there with the Complementary Medicine Research Group, she has been involved in research investigating the use of acupuncture to treat arthritis of the knee, back pain, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and neck pain. Harriet is a member of the Acupuncture Childbirth Team (ACT), a special interest group for pregnancy and childbirth. She is also an Accreditation Officer for the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board (BAAB). This site aims to give you information about acupuncture from an informed and evidence-based viewpoint.