Much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in our body's structure and function. Osteopaths diagnose and treat problems with muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints to help the body's natural healing ability. The treatment provided involves gentle, manual techniques - easing pain, reducing swelling and improving mobility. The clinic is run by Robert Simmons, who with many years experience as a Registered Osteopath and teacher, is one of the Uk's leading trainers, teaching therapists and body workers in advanced soft tissue techniques and postural assessment skills. Hence you can rest assured your treatment will be first class. Having qualified from university with a Degree in Osteopathic Medicine and a Diploma in Osteopathy, Robert became interested in education and qualified as an adult teacher. His teaching experiences have included adult education, university lecturer, medical school and various osteopathic colleges. A Member of The Royal Society of Medicine, Robert Simmons is recognised by BUPA, AXA/PPP, HSA (Simplyhealth), Standard Life, Aviva, Cigna and many other Major Healthcare Insurers. Most health insurance companies will pay towards the cost of Osteopathy, however, you should always check your individual policy for details.