Osteopathy is a manual therapy that focuses on the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal dysfunction. Musculoskeletal dysfunction can present itself in many ways, such as joint/muscle pain, a decrease in range of joint movement, or reduced sporting performance. H&C Osteopathy is dedicated to providing the highest level Osteopathic treatment and patient care. By maintaining a friendly, flexible, effective service, we strive to ensure our patients gain maximum benefits whilst attending the minimum number of treatment sessions possible. At H&C Osteopathy everything we do is focused on you, the patient. You are actively encouraged to ask questions and to get involved in your treatment. Based in Bracknell, Reading and Maidenhead, H&C Osteopathy are able to offer our services to the surrounding areas of Holyport, Bray, Fifield, White Waltham, Warfield, Binfield, and Winkfield. We aim to be available to our patients six days a week, with early starts and evening sessions available throughout. We treat people of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly, for a variety of conditions.