The better of an understanding you have about secured loans, the easier it will be for you to get the money you need without any problems or complications. This information will help you out when you plan on getting a secured loan for any reason. Secured loans are usually taken out for bigger purchases, such as with cars and houses. If you get a mortgage, you are getting a secured loan. The loan is backed by collateral, which in the case of a mortgage would be the house itself. If you are unable to pay back the lender on time, they take permanent possession of the collateral. When you need to borrow a significant amount of money, you will most likely get this type of loan. Fortunately for those with low scores, the credit of those who apply for secured loans doesn’t really matter all that much. The lender has the collateral that they can use to get the money you owe them if you stop making payments for any reason. This means that they aren’t very concerned with what your credit is like. A lot of people in the UK who fail to get unsecured loans from banks turn to secured loans, though there is some risk involved.